Inżynier ds. Wsparcia Technicznego - Household Sewing Machines
Firma: Recruit Europe miejsce pracy: Warszawa
Międzynarodowa firma (World famous international sewing machine brand) poszukuje obecnie kandydatów na stanowisko: Inżynier ds. Wsparcia Technicznego. To wspaniała okazja dla uzdolnionych kandydatów, którzy chcieliby pracować w międzynarodowym zespole. Jeśli posiadasz min. 2-3 letnie doświadczenie na podobnym stanowisku oraz znajomość angielskiego na co najmniej poziomie dobrym, nie wahaj się, aby aplikować na wspomniane stanowisko.
UWAGA: Please send CV in English
The objective of the job of Engineer/Technician is technical support both internally within the business and
externally to dealers and end users.
The main task of the Engineer/Technician can be listed as follows:
- Preparing and testing of Household Sewing Machines for customer trials
- Preparing of Household Sewing Machines for exhibitions
- Preparing sewing samples for customers
- Repair and maintenance of Household Sewing Machines and ability to communicate repair instructions to customers (phone and email)
- Updating machines internal computer systems with sewing pattern programs
- Technical support and advice for customers and end users (over the phone and through email)
- Supporting the sales team with technical knowledge and machine information
- Preparing and retrofitting other mechanical devices to machines
The Engineer/Technician is responsible for performing the activities according to the instructions. He/she is
responsible for a correct settlement of the instructed activities, like mentioned above. The
Technician is authorised to have relevant consultation with the various departments in general and
the sales department specifically but also the external authorities.
- Middle/Higher educational level formalising in machine mechanics
- Advanced in the English language (= corporate language), Polish and good communication skills
- Experience with computer systems and the PC and its programmes like Windows, Excel, Outlook en Word
- Accurate, social and a team-player
- Service oriented but strict in following procedures
- Minimum of 3 years of experience in comparable job
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Wyświetleń: 145