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Etat Business Analyst - DFS Engineering Team

Firma: ITDS Polska Sp. z o.o. miejsce pracy: Warszawa

Jesteśmy liderem na polskim rynku IT już od 2016 roku, a pochodzimy z Holandii, gdzie powstaliśmy w 1998 roku. Specjalizujemy się w sektorach Fintech, eCommerce czy Insurance. Dostarczamy naszym klientom efektywne rozwiązania, a współpracującym z nami konsultantom pomagamy kreować ścieżkę kariery sprawnie, efektywnie i z wizją. Zatrudniamy już ponad 300 ekspertów  z branży, a dzięki przynależności do większej struktury Redmore oraz House of HR prowadzimy projekty w prawie każdym zakątku świata.

Nasze motto to "Shortcut to the future" - bo nie komplikujemy tego, co może być proste.

Business Analyst - DFS Engineering Team
Miejsce pracy: Warszawa

As a Business Analyst, you will work for our Client - one of the global leaders in securities operations and investment funds, providing services for institutional customers. You will be a member of the Warsaw DFS Engineering Team, which is in charge of delivering process and system changes required by the Depositary & Fiduciary Services department. The team is providing its services on a global level and working with other locations (Paris, Lisbon, London, Luxembourg). If you like to play a role of a bridge between business and IT and have an understanding of business processes and technology changes - this role is for you! 


Your main responsibilities: Cooperating with global IT teams responsible for delivering changes to the banking systems
  • Managing change requests and follow their lifecycle
  • Working on technical analysis of IT solutions and new solution design
  • Working with business and other stakeholders to collect requirements and make improvements to current production processes
  • Cooperating with various teams to analyse root cause of issues and assist in efficient resolution of all production processes
  • Writing functional & technical detailed specifications
  • Creating and manage testing of new solutions including writing test plans, preparing test data, coordinating testing and user/client acceptance
  • Producing estimates, cost & benefits analysis and business cases for new development proposals
  • Administering all project documentation in an efficient and effective manner
You’re ideal for the role if you have: 
  • Minimum 3 years of experience as a Business Analyst
  • Knowledge of the financial industry - with focus on securities sector
  • Knowledge of Jira, Confluence 
  • Experience in working in project-oriented environment
  • Experience working in agile methodologies
  • Knowledge of Project Management methodologies
  • High analytical skills
  • Proactivity
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Fluent English
We offer you:
ITDS Business Consultants is involved in many various, innovative and professional IT projects for international companies in the financial industry in Europe. We offer an environment for professional, ambitious, and driven people. The offer includes:
  • Stable and long-term cooperation with very good conditions 
  • Enhance your skills and develop your expertise in the financial industry
  • Work on the most strategic projects available in the market
  • Define your career roadmap and develop yourself in the best and fastest possible way by delivering strategic projects for different clients of ITDS over several years
  • Participate in Social Events, training, and work in an international environment
  • Access to attractive Medical Package
  • Access to Multisport Program
  • Access to Pluralsight
  • Flexible hours & remote work
Prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych w procesie rekrutacji.

Pozostałe oferty pracy w firmie ITDS Polska Sp. z o.o.
w firmie: , Wybierz
w firmie: , Wybierz
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Data dodania: 15-02-2023
Wyświetleń: 152